Lady Captains Charity – RNIB
Our Yelverton Lady Captain 2023/2024, Anne, presented a cheque for £2,000 to Gill and Andy, representatives of the Ivybridge RNIB – money raised by the ladies throughout Anne’s year of captaincy.
Gill is the founder member of the Ivybridge RNIB, whilst Andy, who has had total sight loss since his early teens, is the Co-Ordinator of the 70 or more volunteers who work with them.
The donation will be used to enhance the specialist transcription services of large print, music and braille.
The RNIB Transcription service was set up in Ivybridge in 1987 and since then it has provided accessible information for blind and partially sighted people throughout England and Scotland.
The service is provided free of charge to individuals so donations to the service make a huge difference to what we can provide. There are 6 members of staff and over 60 volunteers beavering away to enable the frustrations of not being able to access print to be overcome.
Well done to Anne and the ladies for raising an incredible amount of money for an important charity.
Ivybridge RNIB contact details: [email protected] 01752 690092